Cloudy Sky and A Starry Night, 1999
Cloudy Sky and A Starry Night, 1999, acrylic, oil paints, cotton wool and silver flourescent paper, 183 x 183cm
Cloudy Sky and A Starry Night, 1999, acrylic, oil paints, cotton wool and silver flourescent paper, 183 x 183cm
Drawing in 3-D, 1999, acrylic, wool, yellow tape, and metal wire, 68 x 90cm
A winters day 1, 1999, acrylic, oil paint, leave, twigs, photograph and illumination, 122 x 160cm
A winters day 2, 1999, acrylic, oil paints, photograph and illumination, 122 x 160cm
Courtyard of my House, 1999, acrylic, oil paint, photograph, stuffed sparows and gravel, 80 x 130cm
Two colours, 1999, acrylic, cotton wool and fabric, 70 x 51cm
Illumination 1, 1999, acrylic,colour, inks, water and oil paint, 8 x 8cm
Illumination 2, 1999, acrylic, inks, water, flourescent paper and plastic stickers, 8 x 8cm
Illumination 3, 1999, acrylic, water, inks, fairy dust and paper, 8 x 8cm
Illumination 4, 1999, acrylic, water, inks and silver paper, 8 x 8cm
Illumination 5, 1999, acrylic, inks, water, fairy dust and silver stickers, 8 x 8cm
Illumination 6, 1999 Acrylic, plastic stickers, water and fairy dust 8 x 8cm
Illumination 7, 1999, acrylic and multicoloured paper, 8 x 8cm